We offer you two routes of transferring money to South Africa that helps you to ensure the lowest charges, the best rates and compliance with exchange control regulation (of particular importance should you later wish to transfer money out of South Africa).
Transferring money to South Africa can seem relatively easy and straight forward. You have the choice of many different options, but your selection is vital in terms of:
- Ensuring the lowest charges
- Obtaining the best rates
- Accessing personalised service
- Preventing issues about repatriation of funds at a alter date (transferring money out of South Africa)
Transferring money to South Africa – Process
Transferring money to South Africa is exactly the same as any commercial deal – put simply you are buying something in exchange for money. It just so happens that in this case the item you are buying is a foreign currency. Whilst the normal rules that apply with any commercial transaction – such as value for money , service and price apply, there is the further complication of exchange control issues.
Exchange control is quite unique to South Africa and is not applicable in most countries. It regulates the flow of money in and out of South Africa and most importantly for many people dictates the amount and under what circumstances you are able to transfer money out of South Africa.
Transferring money to South Africa – Options
- Bank- banks are less utilised for money transfers in many countries due their set charging, low exchange rates and there some times lack of expertise. They do however continue to be the ‘non choice’ as they are often perceived as more convenient.
- Specialised currency companies – utilising the services of a specialist currency company greatly increases your changes of benefiting from no fees, better exchange rates and indeed a more personalised and focused service. There a number of options when it comes to selecting your currency expert.
- Using the services of a currency company based outside of South Africa to transfer money to South Africa – great care should be taken when employing the services of a currency provider outside of South Africa. Whilst they may well offer lower fees and better exchange rates than the banks do, it may well be that they have little knowledge of South Africa’s exchange control regulations. It will only be later on that the impact of this is shown should you try to repatriate (transfer money out) of South Africa.An example of this was a client who had brought in some 8 million rand to South Africa. The transfer went via a UK currency company and was deposited into his South African lawyers trust account. Only a number of years later, when wishing go transfer the funds back out of South Africa, was it discovered the transfer in had been registered as for ‘service fees’ and not for its real purpose, house purchase. As it was for fees and not investment (house purchase) the transfer out of South Africa was denied. We were, however in this case, able to assist the client after many weeks of proving the real purpose of the initial transfer.
- Using the services of a specialist currency company with a base in South Africa – In utilising our services you will access an expert service at no fees and very competitive exchange rates. Piece of mind is given with the knowledge that we are fully aware of the implications of exchange control and ensure that all transactions of money being transferred into South Africa complies with exchange control regulations. We view transfers into South Africa, may at some stage, have to be transferred back out of South Africa. In addition we operate our money transfer service via Investec and Currencies Direct. This provides you, the client, with two potential transfer options.The first method secures the exchange rates prior to you committing to any transfer of funds.The second allows you to transfer euros, dollars and pounds to our client holding account. A period of 30 days is then given in which to transfer the amount into rands. Should the rate not be to your liking within this 30 days the money is returned to its original transferring source.
Register with us today for expert advice, top rates and great service for transferring your money into South Africa.
Our transferring money into South Africa services are provided in conjunction with Investec private bank and Currencies Direct.