Obligations of South African learning institutions with foreign students

Obligations of South African learning institutions with foreign students
Obligations of South African learning institutions with foreign students

How the new immigration regulations effect learning institutions

The new immigration laws came into effect on May 26th 2014 and with them, increased responsibilities that learning institutions need to be aware of and plan for.

If you are involved in a school, college or university we suggest you bring the below article to your principles attention as it carries with it quite a few responsibilities for learning institutions with foreign students.

Below we look at how these new regulations effect learning institutions

In the event the learning institution has foreign students the following are required:

An undertaking by the Registrar or Principal of the learning institution to:

(i) provide proof of registration as contemplated in the relevant legislation within 60 days of registration; or

(ii) in the event of failure to register by the closing date, provide the Director-General with a notification of failure to register within 7 days of the closing date of registration;

(iii) within 30 days of de-registration, notify the Director-General that the applicant is no longer registered with such institution; and

(iv) within 30 days of completion of studies, notify the Director-General when the applicant has completed his or her studies or requires to extend such period of study.

What’s this mean?

In essence, it places a responsibility on the Registrar or Principle to ensure that the student is legally studying on an ongoing basis.

Furthermore, the learning institution will need to ensure they have in place appropriate measures to retain copies of passports, check expiry dates of passports, copies of visas and a very robust reporting system.

Until now most learning institutions have been more concerned with the students validity to study at commencement of the studies, some with the ongoing status of the students visa. The above now brings with it far more responsibility.

So what now?

Learning institutions are going to have to re look at their admissions process and ongoing ability to monitor the student, as well as inform the DHA at the appropriate times.

Can Intergate help?

Working with Intergate brings many benefits, not least our vast resources. We consult with each learning institution to put in place an effective monitoring and notification process, as well as ensuring we keep documentation as required by the Act.

In short we become the outsourced partner for the learning institution, taking away the administrative burden and compliance that is now required.

You can take our free one minute assessment here or request a call back for more information. Or simply call us at +27 (0)21 424 2460.

Alternatively you can fill out the below online enquiry form to contact us.


First Name *

Surname *

Email Address *

Telephone Number

Language *

Country Of Residence *

What Visa would you apply for? *

Where in SA would you move to? *

Comments *