Registrations / Undertakings associated with a business visa for South Africa

Registrations Undertakings associated with a business visa for South Africa
Registrations Undertakings associated with a business visa for South Africa

As part of a business visa application you will be required to furnish the Department of Home Affairs with certain undertakings or proof of registrations.

These registrations / undertakings are designed to ensure your compliance with various regulations including:

  • South African Revenue obligations
  • Workers rights
  • Professional registrations

What Registrations / Undertakings might be required?

  • South African Revenue Service;
  • Unemployment Insurance Fund;
  • Compensation Fund for Occupational Injuries and Diseases;
  • Companies and Intellectual Properties Commission (CIPC), where legallyrequired; and
  • Relevant professional body, board or council recognised by SAQA in terms ofsection 13(1)(i) of the National Qualifications Framework Act, where applicable.

What is the difference between an undertaking and registration

The undertaking is a written declaration of your intent to register, whereas as the registration means you have already undertaken the process. For practical reasons certain registrations may not be able to be made when setting up a new business, but care should be taken when buying into an existing business that it is compliant.

Please note where an undertaking is accepted with your business visa application, rather than an actual registration there is a requirement for the applicant to subsequently submit proof of registration.

Learning more about the business visa application requirements

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