For entrepreneurs seeking to establish and run a business in South Africa, below we provide you South African business permit information pertaining to the criteria and application process. If you would prefer to speak to one of our team regarding your individual circumstances you can call us on any of the above numbers, or request a call back, or email us.
South African Business Permit Information
Applications can be made for a business permit (permanent residency) once the applicant has obtained temporary residency on a business visa.
Qualifying for a business permit
Applicants will require:
From the existing business prospective
- An investment amount of 5 million rand has been made, which must be made from funds introduced from abroad; submitted certified proof of investment in the business in respect of the preceding
financial year; - To present a comprehensive business plan detailing all relevant aspects of the business in addition to a focus on the Department of Home Affairs criteria;
- Proof that at least 60% citizens or permanent residents are permanently employed invarious positions directly in the operations of the business;
- Proof of registration with the relevant professional body, council or board recognisedby SAQA in terms of section 13(1)(i) of the National Qualifications Framework Act,where applicable;
- Proof of registration with the South African Revenue Service;
- Proof of registration with the relevant professional body, council or board recognisedby SAQA in terms of section 13(1)(i) of the National Qualifications Framework Act,where applicable.
- A foreigner who invests or has invested in an existing business as a partner shall submit-certified proof of investment in the business and the partnership agreement.
- Satisfactory medical reports;
- Satisfactory police clearance certificates;
- A completed temporary residency application form;
- Undertakings in respect of South Africa Revenue Service obligations;
- An appropriate company structure.
From a personal prospective
- An application for a permanent residence permit;
- The applicable application fee;
- A copy of a birth certificate in respect of the applicant;
- Biometrics in respect of any applicant over the age of 16 years;
- A yellow fever vaccination certificate if that person travelled or intends travelling fromor transits through a yellow fever endemic area;
- A police clearance certificate and medical and radiological reports;
- The documents relating to the applicant’s marital status or spousal relationship
- An unabridged birth certificate in respect of each dependent child;
Application process
Applicants must first apply for temporary residency by means of the business visa. This can be made in most cases in your country of residence prior to your arrival in South Africa. Once in receipt of the temporary residency business visa, permanent residency (business permit) can then be applied for. The application can take 4 -6 weeks to compile as the application to the Department will require certain supporting South African Business Visa Information and these preparations will need to be concluded prior to submission.
The most time consuming of these elements is:
- Registering the business with the CIPC (Companies and Intellectual Property Commission);
- Compilation of the business plan.
Who can be included on the application?
South African immigration requires that each individual makes an application in their own right but when making your business visa application you can include spouses, partners and dependant children. Partners and spouses will be making an accompanying visa application as will children under school age. For children of school age, or higher education, a study visa application will need to be made.
South African Business Permit Information – more help
Intergate Immigration is able to assist you with all aspects of compiling a business visa application. Our service commences with a free and non obligatory consultation to determine your needs and eligibility.
Getting help with your visa or permit application
We welcome the opportunity to consult with you as to your eligibility for a visa /permit and answer any questions you may have with no obligation.
You can take our free one minute assessment here or request a call back for more information. Or simply call us at +27 (0)21 424 2460.
Alternatively you can fill out the below online enquiry form to contact us.